



Six weeks into the summer semester of the Medical Biotechnology program solidified 伊丽莎白·卢克’s career goals.

Liz spent those weeks in the Microbiology course required of Medical Biotechnology students between their junior and senior year.

六周的强化课程, 由助理教授詹姆斯·沃斯勒授课, MS, 向莉兹介绍了传染病研究这一蓬勃发展的领域, 这使她下定了决心.


Liz graduated from Onondaga Community College with an associate’s degree in Mathematics and Science, 直接来到上州进行生物医学研究.

“我们的导师非常乐于助人,”她说. “我们得到了很多一对一的建议.”

莉兹在整个医学生物技术课程中学到的课程和技巧, 包括Western blot和PCR(聚合酶链反应)检测, have been challenging but are proving valuable -- “even things that I didn’t think would help at the time,”她说。.

在上州大学威廉·科尔的实验室实习, 博士学位, 她与博士后教师一起研究一种名为SHIP的蛋白质.

The protein plays a role in the immune system and is being studied in relation to a variety of illnesses and conditions, 包括癌症, 肥胖和炎症性肠病.

Liz is using her BS degree in Medical Biotechnology as a foundation to pursue graduate education in infectious disease research. She is enrolled in the New York State Department of Health Master of Science in Laboratory Sciences program at the Wadsworth Center, 奥尔巴尼.





“这绝对是一个关系紧密的团体,”他说. “教授随时待命,随时为你服务. 这是一个非常亲密的环境.”

最多, 迈克尔说, there are 20 students when the Med Biotech students are with Medical Technology students and Medical Scholars in some classes. The small class sizes and availability and expertise of the faculty are a tremendous benefit of the program, 他说.

“免疫学课程点燃了我的热情,”迈克尔说.由Linda Miller教授教授的5学分课程. “特别是在这个过程中,很多事情都与传染病有关.”

Michael在Gary Chan的实验室度过了他的大四实习, 博士学位, 研究人类巨细胞病毒, 它的副作用和它在几种疾病中的作用, 包括动脉粥样硬化和多器官衰竭.

“我们正试图弄清楚病毒是如何逃避细胞凋亡的, 它是如何劫持信号来帮助自己生存的,他说.

Michael found the research team he worked with during his internship to be “super supportive in taking on an undergraduate” into their research lab.

迈克尔毕业后将留在上州大学. He’s pursuing a 博士学位 in Microbiology and Immunology in the 研究生院 in the same laboratory where he performed his undergraduate research internship.





她在圣母大学获得了专利法硕士学位, 毕业于印第安纳大学法学院, 她在那里专攻知识产权法. 她是美国专利局的注册专利律师.S. 专利商标局.


Biotech companies and law firms that work with researchers need people who know their way around patents and intellectual property law. That kind of expertise is crucial to protecting advances and discoveries made in the laboratory.

医学生物技术毕业生的其他职业选择包括医学院, 法医调查, 药物开发和学术研究.

北州大学的生物技术毕业生选择了这些职业和其他职业. 萨拉说,上州学生的一个主要优势是高年级实习, 这提供了一种强烈的, 数月沉浸在实验室或公司的工作中.

医学生物技术专业的学生往往有耐心和决心, 愿意为一个可能几个月都不会有结果的项目工作, 莎拉说.

“我在校园里当过导游, 一个未来的学生问我为什么做研究要花这么长时间,她在大四的时候说. “但如果你喜欢它,它就不是一件苦差事. 我学到了很多. 现在我可以自己做事情和解决问题了.”




贾马尔在非斯出生长大, 在搬到锡拉丘兹之前, 在纽约继续他的本科和研究生训练. 从医学生物技术专业毕业后, 贾马尔在纽约州立大学继续他的学业. 他通过医学学者计划获得了医学技术硕士学位, 然后从上州医学院毕业.

贾马尔在医学院一年级和二年级的班级里都名列前30%, 并在第三年获得了优秀的成绩. 他是班里12名入选全国学生荣誉协会的学生之一, Alpha Omega Alpha – and the first graduate of the Medical Scholars program to be selected for the AOA.

Jamal said his medical school education was enhanced by the Medical Biotechnology and the Medical Scholars programs. Jamal conducted research in 澳门银河平台’s prestigious Center for Vision 研究 while in those programs.

“没有这两个程序, I would not have attended and received the high quality education that is offered in the 上州医科大学 医学院,他说.

Jamal is currently a resident specializing in Internal Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. 在完成住院医师培训之后, 贾马尔打算攻读介入性心脏病学的奖学金.




Dena马丁 has used what she learned in the Medical Biotechnology program every day in her career. 毕业后, she worked for nearly five years as the Clinical 研究 Coordinator for Radiation Oncology at the 北州癌症中心. 她目前在Covance担任临床研究助理, a global contract research organization that works on major pharmaceutical drugs through a spectrum of nonclinical, 临床及商业化服务.

“医学生物技术学位为我的工作提供了知识基础,”德纳说. 在她的位置上, 她负责管理临床研究法规, 协议, data, 病人护理和支持.

Dena说:“肿瘤研究涉及到很多分子生物学. “它将实验科学应用于临床环境. 这是一个很好的基础.”

迪娜说她的医学生物技术课很团结, 学生们“非常善于互相帮助. 我们平衡了彼此的优缺点. 我们成了一个非常亲密的团队.”

Dena的高级实习是在学校旁边的县法医犯罪实验室. “(Professor) Linda Miller basically created that internship for me because she knew of my interest in the field,”她说。. “这是一个非常个性化的项目,拥有出色的师资队伍.”

医学生物技术项目“从第一天就开始动手”, 当你穿上白大褂,他们递给你手套和显微镜,Dena说道. “当然会有讲座,但大部分都是亲自动手.”

她说,这也是一个严格的项目,一个“肯定会让你站起来说话”的项目. 这是一个学习如何展示你的作品的好方法.” 

助理教授James vosler是Dena高级项目的指导老师, 哪个测试了含有银添加剂的塑料片的抗菌活性. She won a John Bernard Henry Endowment scholarship, and presented at Student 研究 Day in 2010.

作为一个非传统的学生,在工作岗位上站稳脚跟,有两个孩子, 迪娜从不觉得自己和同学不合群. “无论年龄大小,我们都合作得很好,”她说. “There is such professionalism among the faculty and students; they treat you like a colleague and a professional.”

Dena recently began pursuing a master’s degree in Health Services Administration at SUNY Oswego.


Rakibou Ouro-Djobo  

Rakibou Ouro-Djobo

从北州医学生物技术项目毕业两个月后, Rakibou Ouro-Djobo开始在Berg Pharma担任研究助理, 弗雷明汉的一家制药开发公司, 质量.

He was promoted to Senior 研究 Associate and was a team leader studying the biology of prostate cancer biomarkers. 拉基布还在伯格研究了其他癌细胞系, 参与了一种实验性抗癌药物的机理研究, BPM31510.

“This profession will enable me to be on the front line in the effort to identify the root causes of diseases and come up with solutions to help relieve society’s illnesses,拉基布说.

在北州, Rakibou was involved in student government and served as a Student Ambassador for the Office of the President. 他大四的实习是在上州癌症研究中心.

Rakibou也是Nerdy Operations的联合创始人兼首席执行官, a social enterprise whose goal is to deliver STEM education to young people in sub-Saharan Africa. He obtained an MBA degree from Babson College and is currently a consultant with Converge Consulting, 一家专门服务于生命科学行业的商业咨询公司.




Danielle Safaty chose 澳门银河平台’s Medical Biotechnology program for personal and professional reasons.

“我习惯了小环境,这就是我选择上州的原因,丹妮尔说。, 从萨福克县社区学院获得副学士学位的人. “这是亲密的,我们的班级是紧密相连的. 每天和同一群人在一起是很舒服的.”

Danielle的兴趣在于临床实验室科学的医学应用. Her education in the Medical Biotechnology program provided a solid foundation for her current educational pursuit of a Master of Science degree in the Physician Assistant Studies program at Marist College.

“在这里,我们正在学习我们正在研究的临床应用,”她说. “我认为这是医学预科课程. 这是具有挑战性的材料,但我喜欢吸收新的信息. 我喜欢学习和接受挑战. 它让我们保持警觉.”

丹妮尔说,上州立大学生物技术项目的教师“每一步都与我们同在”. 这很让人欣慰. 他们非凡的. 他们希望我们所有人都成功. 这就是他们所做的. 他们不是在其他地方做兼职的研究人员. 我从来没有经历过教授如此关心学生的环境.

“我喜欢做研究,喜欢在实验室里工作,”她说. 丹妮尔说,她喜欢研究,但也喜欢站在临床护理的第一线. 她今年成为了一名合格的初级急救医疗技术员.

“院前护理确实令人兴奋,”丹妮尔说. “你是病人的生命线,你所做的决定了他们能否活下来.”




在获得医学生物技术学士学位后, 詹姆斯·鲍文 has followed a career path in an area that he is very passionate about: basic science research with a specialization in immunology.

James spent two years as a Laboratory Technician III at the University of Rochester Medical Center, 与一个研究团队合作,推进血液病的研究, 骨髓移植和输血医学.

“上州为我提供了研究经验, 实验室技能, and a breadth of knowledge that has allowed me to hit the ground running and excel at my current position,詹姆斯在罗切斯特说.  

詹姆斯继续攻读免疫学博士学位 & 亚特兰大埃默里大学的分子发病机制. 他说:“上州大学的课程让我为这项艰巨的任务做好了充分的准备.

His research at Emory focused on the role of dendritic cells and RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) in mediating protection during viral infections such as the West Nile virus.


在上州立大学读大四, 詹姆斯上学期的大部分时间都在他的临床实习地点工作, 罗切斯特骨科临床诊断. Guaranteed internship placements for Medical Biotechnology students give 澳门银河平台 students a major advantage.

“有机会在著名的实验室进行临床实习,”詹姆斯说. “学生们会寻找他们感兴趣的公司和地点, 学校会做出安排.”