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Scott Jessie was quoted in the 贝克斯医院评论文章: 2024年,46位医疗系统高管将把削减开支的重点放在哪里.

Previous coverage

Christoper Lucas is featured in the Wall Street Journal article on 精神健康危机的儿童涌入医院急诊室.

Adam Waickman and Timothy Endy 文章中有引用吗 Nature on 登革热正在蔓延,新的疫苗和抗病毒药物能阻止它的蔓延吗.

William Veit is feature in the Syracuse.com Company News column.

Kristopher Paolino is noted in NewsChannel 9's story on 疾病预防控制中心确认慢性莱姆病症状.

蕾切尔·奥西茨基,温迪·亨特 都被引用在一个故事里 Stand on the success of She Matters and the mobile mammography van in a story headlined "永远不要太早,也不要太晚."

Previous coverage

Jana Shaw FDA批准的一种新型脑膜炎球菌疫苗 Medscape, 贝克尔医院评论 还有其他一些渠道.

Stephen Thomas is quoted in Forbes for the story “6500万人患有长期covid. 我们的专家说新疫苗是最好的防御."

Serife Tekin was interviewed for "鬼和机器” in the New Statesman about AI therapists.

Lesak Kotula was interviewed by Spectrum News for a story on his 突破性的乳腺癌研究.

Respect and Heal campaign launch to address violence against health care workers was covered by Syracuse.com, WRVO, Newschannel 9, Spectrum News and CNY Central.

Jen Speicher, Andrea Shaw and Brian Rieger 讨论健康和新的纳皮健康研究所 WCNY's Cycle of Health program.

CNY Central partners with 上州癌症中心 in '请参加癌症电视节目.

Jana Shaw is quoted in the Vicksburg Post on 密西西比州的疫苗豁免.

Syracuse.com reported on the $2.3M gift for Syracuse schoolteacher to benefit pediatric care at 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院.

Brad Taylor is quoted in the Daily Orange about his use of 在上州戈里萨诺儿童医院玩电子游戏.

Wendy Hunt and Julie Tenkate 我们参加了 Spectrum News story Upstate University 医院鼓励妇女用流动面包车每年做一次乳房x光检查.

Jessica Costosa-Umina appeared on WCNY's Cycle of Health discuss teen mental health

Jennifer Rapke was interviewed by CNY Central for a story on Child safey awareness: Parents' reactions and expert advice after kidnapping incident.

Tiffany Caeser was interviewed by Spectrum News for a story on the 澳门银河平台地区的移动乳房x光检查车.

Coverage of the opening of 上州癌症中心 at Verona also was covered by the NewsChannel 9, Spectrum News,  Rome Daily Sentinel, Syracuse.com WRVO, Oneida Daily Dispatch, CNYCentral.

Jana Shaw was interview by CNYCentral for the story 澳门银河平台的戈里萨诺已经满负荷运转,为锡拉丘兹的另一个“三重疫情”冬天做准备

Jeanna Marraffa is featured in Syracuse.com Company News column.

Sharon Brangman was interview by NewsChannel 9 for the story 帮助纽约州立大学对抗阿尔茨海默病.

Rebecca Kindon is featured in Syracuse.com Company news column

Marek Polomsky is featured in Syracuse.com Company news column.

Mantosh Dewan is noted in a CNY Business Journal article Upstate Medical, Binghamton leaders on SUNY task force on healthcare worker shortage.

Jennifer Vaughn and Clyde Satterly are quoted in a CNY Business Journal article on Upstate Medical announces nurse-practitioner residency to help underserved areas.

罗伯特·勒贝尔,邦妮·布洛克, and Gloria Morris appeared on WNCY's Cycle of Health 讨论遗传学的节目.

Thomas Schwartz was a guest on WCNY's Cycle of Health discussing 治疗抑郁症的方法.

Stephen Thomas was quoted in BayouBeat News on Upstate's new mask policy

Stephen Thomas was quoted on Syracuse.com/Post-Standard on Mask mandates in hospitals not a return to masking everywhere

Scott Jessie was quote in 贝克尔医院评论 on 11位领导人希望在医疗保健领域加强合作.

Susan Murphy我给编辑的信在 Syracuse.com offered recognition to 环境服务和客房部员工的提前表彰周即将到来.

Travis Hobart is quoted in the Syracuse.com story 锡拉丘兹的孩子们遭受着被房东忽视的含铅油漆痕迹的折磨.

Stephen Thomas was interview on NPR's Morning Edition about 随着新冠肺炎疫情的增加,口罩强制令正在卷土重来.

Anne Reagan was quoted in the Hill for the article 老师们预测回教室会有一波暴力事件.

大卫·莱曼,斯蒂芬·卢卡斯 and Joseph Heath are noted in the Syracuse.com article on 无家可归者的家是怎么称呼的, 在我父亲的厨房里帮助了一个急需医疗照顾的无家可归的人.

Robert Silverman is quoted in the Syracuse.com story on 黑人婴儿死亡率更高.

Carolyn Hendrickson is quoted in 55 Plus about 遗产信件:分享你的生活经历.

Jana Shaw was interviewed on CNYCentral about 在新冠肺炎住院人数上升的情况下,春节学校为新学年做准备

Stephen Thomas is quoted in the Cortland Standard story 'This is chapter one'.

Henry Roane is quoted in the Syracuse.com story on $2.500万美元的设施计划为被困在上州戈里萨诺的孩子们提供一个去处

Jana Shaw is quoted in the Vicksburg (Miss.) Post for a story on vaccine exemptions.

Gennady Bratslavsky is interview for the Spectrum News story on 乌克兰庆祝独立32年,延长了在美国的地位.

Stephen Thomas was featured in the Syracuse.com leadership profile: 它帮助人们找到勇气去做伟大的事情.

Reza Saidi was noted in the Syracuse.com story Dying man's wife makes his ill cousin a livesaving offer: Do you want his kidney?

Hani Aiash was interviewed by Medical News Today, commenting on a sleep study that indicated the impact on the impact of heart rate and blood pressure of getting less sleep.

Robert Corona was interviewed by 贝克尔医院评论 for 从病床到诊所:37位医疗保健领导者如何适应门诊革命.

Joseph Burczynski was interviewed by 贝克尔医院评论 for 给医院使用给药机器人的3个建议.

Mantosh Dewan was featured in the Syracuse.com leadership profile: '我的工作是支持每个人做得更好.'

Jenny Meyer was interviewed by WAER 学生运动员在脑震荡后重返赛场应采取的步骤: 上州的神经学家为治疗脑震荡的高中运动员提供指导.

Jonathan Miller 任命为神经外科的新主席 Syracuse.com动态人物专栏.

William Paolo was interviewed by NewsChannel 9 for the story: 一位急诊室医生对锡拉丘兹枪击案的看法.

Chris Morley was interviewed by Spectrum News for a story on 废水检测发现新冠肺炎疫情热点.Y.

地区医院覆盖率, 包括上州立大学医院, 许多媒体都报道了获得增加的医疗保险支付, including CNY Central, Syracuse.com, WRVO,

Saravanan Thangamani is quoted in the Atlantic for a story on The Ticks are Winning.

Travis Hobart participated in a press conference with the Attorney General's office on lead poisoning in Syracuse. Story was covered by Syracuse.com

Jayne Charlamb is quoted in Syracuse.com story on 北州为妈妈们开通了母乳喂养热线,解答日常问题. 这篇报道也出现在CNY Central

The Upstate Foundation and Carolyn Hendrickson 是雪城的特色吗.com story Erin's Angels feeds 265 Central New York kids; expands with new six-figure endowment.

Joseph Domachowske is quote on Syracuse.com in the article "H现在,三名锡拉丘兹的婴儿和一名更新的医生在对抗致命的呼吸道合胞病毒方面取得了突破.他还出现在新闻频道9的演播室现场 interview.

L. Syd Johnson is quoted in MIT Technolopgy Review's story 该公司计划明年将基因编辑的猪心脏移植到婴儿体内.

Sharon Brangman offers an opinion in World News Era on a second new 阿尔茨海默症药物即将获得FDA的批准.

Coverage of the 纳皮健康研究所 开头出现在最近一期的 In Good Health.

Stephen Thomas's commentary FDA对未来COVID-19疫苗的投票是一项行动呼吁 is an Editor's Pick in Forbes.

Katherine Beissner was interviewed by Spectrum News for the story 本科生跳入医疗保健在北州医科大学计划.

Rachel Fabi 文章中引用了什么 From 'food fights' to puzzles, advocates are putting ther 'fun' in abortion puzzles. online at rewire news group.

WRVO: 纽约州澳门银河平台的蜱虫检测项目获得了新的资助.

Andrew Burgdorf was interviewed by CNY Central for a story on cancer drug shortages.

Steven Blatt and Nancy Daoust 出现在新闻频道9的新闻人物节目中,讨论 纳皮健康研究所.

Saravanan Thangamani is quoted in Time.com for the story on 今年可能是有史以来最糟糕的蜱虫季节.

Michel Nasr was noted in the Syracuse.com Company News column.

Roger Wong was interviewed by Being Patient.com for the story 失眠、安眠药和大脑."

Previous coverage

David Lehmann is quoted in the Syracuse.com story Syracuse homeless will get medical care on the street in new mobile doc's office.

Linda Schicker is quoted in the Rome-Sentinel's coverage of Relay for Life.

Stephen Faraone is quoted in the New Scientist about '聪明的药物不会让人更善于解决问题.

L. Syd Johnson is quoted in the Guardian about Neuralink, the Elon Musk brain-implant company that will conduct a clinical trial of its experimental device in humans.

Kaushal Nanavati 加入到春节烟雾缭绕的天空中 WRVO (随着野火烟雾在该地区蔓延,空气质量警报仍在继续) and WAER (由于加拿大野火的存在,居民可能会出现呼吸问题.)

The opening of the 纳皮健康研究所 was covered by WRVO (新健康研究所在纽约州澳门银河平台开业 NewsChannel 9 (经过三年的建设,北州首次推出病人健康研究所), 中央纽约商业杂志 (纽约州澳门银河平台正式开设纳皮健康研究所), CNYCentral (纽约州澳门银河平台Nappi健康中心正式开放).

Gregory Conners is quoted in a story in AAP News 关于急诊后提高药物依从性的方法.  他还接受了医学快报的采访 same subject.

Saravanan Thangamani is quoted in the story 专家预测纽约澳门银河平台大约2023年的蜱虫季节 in the Leader-Herald.

Travis Hobart is quoted in the story 随着越来越多的孩子接受铅中毒检测,锡拉丘兹的儿童铅中毒问题正在蔓延 in Syracuse.com.

Riley Green is quote in the article Nurses in the Health System: A career of boundless opportunities and priceless impact in the Post-Standard.

人民币中央:罗伯特·科罗娜 discusses Upstate’s drone plans in the story 上州医科大学 demonstrates pilot project that uses drones to deliver meds.


WRVO: 上州医科大学用无人机运送药物 (Robert Corona).

NewsChannel 9: 用无人机运送药品和物资 (Robert Corona).

Spectrum News: 药物到床:无人机将药物送到CNY医院 (Robert Corona).

quotes Gregory Eastwood in a story headlined 护士:当朋友和家人向你咨询医疗建议时,你会怎么做.

Eagle News:
Med student Steven LaFever is quoted in the story CAVAC seeks volunteers.

NewsChannel 9: 上州需要莱姆病疫苗试验的参与者 (Kris Paolino).

Devin Burke was featured on 新闻频道9,健康周三 discussing 中风意识和警告信号.

娜基亚·钱伯斯,埃里克·麦克马斯特 appeared on wnyc - tv的《健康周期 讨论医学多样性的节目.

Syracuse.com: 上州医科大学在毕业典礼上授予520个学位.

NewsChannel 9: 索马里难民在纽约州立大学获得医学学位 (Zacharia Mohamed).

 WRVO: CNY refugee goes from war-torn Somalia to 纽约州立大学澳门银河平台医科大学 graduate (Zacharia Mohamed).

Spectrum News: 索马里难民获得上州医科大学学位 (Zacharia Mohamed).

Andras Perl 是为了这个故事的采访吗 Upstate researcher discovers link between artificial  sweeteners and and liver cancer that aired on Spectrum News.

CNY Central: Upstate's mobile mammography van makes breast cancer screenings more accessible (Salina Smith, Lisa Lai).

Syracuse.com: 北州医疗中心寻求100名青少年参加莱姆病疫苗试验 (Kristopher Paolino).

WAER: 北州医院为莱姆病疫苗试验寻找青少年志愿者.

CNY Central interviewed Jenica O'Malley on 锡拉丘兹市学区特殊需要儿童的增加.

NewsChannel 9: Reza Saidi was interviewed for the story about a CNS teacher receiving a kidney from his wife.

Syracuse.com: 北州医疗中心寻求100名青少年参加莱姆病疫苗临床试验.

WRVO: 春节专家预计蜱虫季节会很糟糕 (Saravanan Thangamani).

WCNY Cycle of Health: Upstate transplant officials an Upstate transplant patient and others discuss the need for organ donation and the benefits of transplant.

Christopher Lucas 讨论Elmcrest儿童中心的新休息中心计划 (Spectrum News).

Christopher Morley 讨论公共卫生问题 从脖子上来检查一下 (WCNY Community FM).

Christopher Lucas was interviewed by CNY Central for story: 上州医院:过去5年儿童心理健康急诊室入院人数增加了400%

Margaret Formica was interviewed by CNY Central on her 研究如何在公共卫生学校开展枪支暴力教育.

Matthew Glidden's 任命为首席质量官 was noted in Syracuse.com

The retirement of Lumpi是上州最受欢迎的治疗犬之一, was featured on Spectrum News, CNY Central and NewsChannel 9.

Roger Wong was interviewed by CNY Central for his 研究失眠和心脏病之间的联系.

Mantosh Dewan is quoted in In Good Health story on Upstate Medical to offer doctor of optometry program in partnership with SUNY Optometry

Previous Coverage

Hani Aiash was interviewed by CNN 以及其他媒体对他的报道 研究失眠和心脏病发作之间的联系.

Sarah Mahonski 被一篇关于 syracuse.com about the fatal overdoses 在城里的一个公寓大楼里.

Michelle Calivia was interviewed by WRVO for a story on the 意外大麻中毒上升.

Jana Shaw was interviewed by CNY Central for a story on RSV vaccine progress,

Robert Corona and Gregory Eastwood were guests on WCNY's Cycle of Health 探索“管理医院”的课程."

SUNY上州/SUNY验光 合伙关系在 Vision Monday, CNY Business Journal, WAER

Rachel Fabi was interview by palabra, 全国西班牙裔记者协会, for a story on 获得产妇保健

Scott Jessie is quoted in the Becker's Health Review story "' From game-changer' to 'we all lost': 9 nurse leaders weigh in on virtual nursing."

David Lubin他的乌克兰之行 支持该国医务人员的便携式超声机在CNY Central上进行了专题报道.

CNY Central story: 母亲称赞上州哥利萨诺的工作人员对她女儿的照顾.

USA Today: Susan Stred is quote in the story 事实核查:哈佛的课程教授的是婴儿的性发展,而不是性别认同.

NewsNationLive: Stephen Thomas 讨论了FDA简化新冠疫苗流程的计划.

WAER FM88: 锡拉丘兹地区双胞胎首次测试承诺RSV预防工具 ( Joseph Domachowske).

NewsChannel 9: $1.1 million federal grant will help SUNY Upstate create region’s first Suicide Prevention Center (Robert Gregory).

CNY Central在马丁·路德·金纪念日,一名澳门银河平台学生展示了关于医疗公平和正义的研究 (玛格丽塔·巴斯克斯·阿尔蒙特).

CNY Centra1: CNY公司使用唾液测试诊断脑震荡只需6 - 8小时 (Quadrant Biosciences).

The Sun: 社区集会支持“勇敢的卡利” (Dannemora儿童感染波瓦桑病毒的故事,  一种罕见的蜱传疾病, 提到了在Upstate的免费蜱虫测试.)

CNY Central在司机村,北州的乳房x光检查车提供乳房筛查

Times Union Q&A:约翰·金在纽约州立大学得到了续集 (在他关于研究的讨论中, he highlights Binghamton’s battery research and Upstate’s Covid saliva test as SUNY research solving the problems of the country.)

Beckers Healthcare: A 尽管目前存在人员问题,但SC市场仍可能出现增长 (Sri Narsipur).

Daily Sentinel: 快照:上州癌症中心的工作仍在继续

In Good Health: 促进地区救护公司的发展(基金会资助紧急医疗服务提供者).

NewsChannel 9:纽约州澳门银河平台将兴建莱姆病治疗中心(Kristopher Paolino).



NewsChannel 9 Live: Stephen Thomas 讨论了新的Covid变体以及如何采取预防措施.

CNY Business Journal: 纽约州澳门银河平台成立莱姆病和蜱传疾病治疗中心(Kristopher Paolino).

WAER: 北州希望扩大锁定药瓶计划,以防止意外过量服用 (Jeanna Marraffa).

NewsChannel 9: 心脏骤停时体内发生了什么(Dana Aiello).

Spectrum News: 新的一年,新的县卫生专员 (Katherine Anderson).

Health Day News: 随着大麻食品越来越受欢迎,儿童意外中毒事件也越来越多 (Vincent Calleo).

WRVO: 在球员心脏骤停后鼓励进行心肺复苏术训练 (Douglas Sandbrook)

WRVO: 随着病毒激增,父母面临药品短缺的问题 (Steven Blatt).

NewsChannel 9: Paige's Butterfly Run donates money to help children with cancer and their families. (Melanie Comito)

NewsChannel 9: 当地舞蹈工作室捐赠给戈里萨诺儿童医院.

CNY Central: 佩姬的蝴蝶赛跑向北州基金会捐赠了23万美元用于儿童癌症研究

Spectrum News: Unlocking a cure: How Carol Baldwin fund helped Upstate doctor may major discovery . (Leszek Kotula)

Rome Sentinel: 当地艺术家优雅的纳皮健康研究所 (Matthew Capogreco).

CNY Business Journal: 北州医疗门诊药房提供上锁处方瓶. (Eric Balotin).

NewsChannel 9: 上州外科医生反思乌克兰的使命 (Sherard Tatum).

CNYCentral: 开始提供当地的药瓶 (Eric Balotin).

WRVO: 新的RX程序功能锁定药盒 (Eric Balotin).

Syracuse.com: SUNY Upstate takes back Syracuse land 10 years after failed deal with Cor development.

Syracuse.com: 奥内达加县卫生专员就“新型冠状病毒”和Covid-19教给我们的东西发表了讲话 (Kathryn Andersen).

WTXL-TV等多种媒体: Stephen Faraone is quoted in the story 新的成人ADHD诊断和治疗指南即将发布.

国际商业杂志: Case of a type of stroke are increasing; Black people more susceptiple (Fadar Oliver Otite).

WWTI: Stephen Feikes was interviewed for a 关于需要更多呼吸器治疗师的报道尤其是在呼吸系统疾病严重的时候.

Michele Caliva addresses the 延长公共卫生热线的服务时间.

CNY Central: Steven Blatt讨论 儿童感染流感和呼吸道合胞病毒的几率增加 以及如何寻求医疗建议.

S yracuse.com: S yracuse医生去乌克兰重建被战争破坏的脸( Sherard Tatum).

Syracuse.com: As RSV surgers Syracuse hospital opens pediatric ward to handle kids with virus ( Gregory Conners).

CNY Central: Sen. 舒默谈到了人们日益关注的医院呼吸道合胞病毒菌株 (Jana Shaw).

CNY Business Journal: 舒默呼吁联邦政府支持处理呼吸道合胞病毒病例 ( Mantosh Dewan).

WRVO: Gregory Conners discussed the rise in 儿童呼吸道合胞病毒病例及其对儿童医院的影响.

NewsChannel 9: Danielle Bright 上州基金会的主席 Bridge Street 讨论北州基金会的使命.

Syracuse.com: Gregory Conners 讨论了儿童医院因呼吸道合胞病毒感染病例的激增.

CNYCentral.com: Gregory Conners and Jana Shaw 讨论了最近由于呼吸道合胞病毒引起的儿科患者激增

CNYCentral.com: Robert Gregory was interviewed for a 关于心理健康和儿童的特别报告在那里,他讨论了他的精神病学高风险项目.

CNYCentral.com: Christopher Lucas was interviewed for a 关于心理健康和儿童的特别报告, 讨论让孩子在需要的时候得到照顾的困难.

Palladium-Times: Menter Ambulance awarded Upstate Unversity Hospital Critical Care Transport Grant.

NewsChannel 9: Ross Sullivan 就奥农达加县24小时内发生的十几起过量用药事件接受了采访.

WAER FM 88: Leszek Kotula was interviewed for the report New Upstate Medical Research could help detect spread of breast cancer.

Syracuse.com: Jana Shaw was quoted in the article Syracuse children's hospital sees surger of kids seriously ill with RSV

Watertown Daily Times: JCC, Upstate Medical make transferring easier under new articulation agreement.

WRVO: 科技字节:澳门银河平台医疗医院机器人 (Steve Roberts).

Syracuse.com: Former NY Gov. 大卫·帕特森将在锡拉丘兹的视觉研究研讨会上发言.

CNBC: “冰桶挑战”资助了一种新的ALS药物, 但专家们对其批准持不同意见 ( Eursofina Young).

In Good Health: 纽约州澳门银河平台解毒中心:65年来帮助保护人们的安全 ( Michele Caliva).

In Good Health:上州戈里萨诺儿童医院加入了主要的自闭症网络( Henry Roane).

In Good Health: 灌注师:鲜为人知的职业,平均工资92,987美元 ( Bruce Searles).

WRVO: 上升的新冠肺炎发病率和流感季节可能导致双重流行病 ( Stephen Thomas).

Rome Sentinel: 预防性乳房切除术( Lisa Lai).

亚特兰大宪法: Children's hospitals elsewhere expanding mental health care (Article mentions Upstate's plans to open an 18-bed psychiatry unit).

NewsChannel 9: Global Health Director: 如果人们得到最新的助推器,人民币将在两年内迎来最好的秋冬季节 (Stephen Thomas).

Robert Gregory and Seetha Ramanathan are guests on WCNY's Cycle Health 讨论自杀预防.

CNY Central: 澳门银河平台自杀预防计划挽救了CNY的生命 ( Robert Gregory)

CNY Business Journal: Upstate's Covid hotline renamed, handling questions on additonal health matters. ( 乔伊·安吉丽娜,米歇尔·卡利瓦).

WRVO: Upstate's Covid-19热线更改名称以反映公共卫生的变化 ( Michele Caliva).

Syracuse.com: 克劳斯董事会主席:与Upstate合并符合人民币的最大利益 ( Pat Mannion).

NewsChannel 9: Stephen Thomas 在纽约博览会上加入新闻频道9,更新关于莱姆病的观点, Covid和其他突出的秋季疾病.

Syracuse.com: 给编辑的信上州的记录预示着与克劳斯合并的好兆头 (John Murad).

Syracuse.com: Letter to the edtior Upstate-Crouse merger will improve healthcare, efficiency and access ( Robert Dracker).

CNYCentral.com: 如何让你的孩子健康地回到学校 (Jana Shaw).

CNY Business Journal: 上州的神经科学家利用拨款研究大脑蛋白质 ( 胡里奥·利西尼奥,王丽丽).

Syracuse.com: Upstate Poison Center alarmed by surge in cases of kids eating candy-like marijuana. (Vince Calleo)

NewsChannel 9: 社区在北克劳斯合并的第一个公共论坛上称重.

CNYCentral: 收购上州-克劳斯:为什么要保密,员工的未来如何.

Spectrum News: 在论坛上讨论了北克劳斯的合并问题.

Syracuse.com: Public weighs in on Upstate-Crouse merger with mix of praise, skepticism at forum

Syracuse.com: 独家消息:纽约州澳门银河平台,克劳斯医院官员透露了拟议合并的财务细节

WRVO: Upstate, Crouse Hospital officials hold public hearing to discuss potential merger

WAER: 第一届北克鲁斯州合并社区论坛的要点

Syracuse.com: 经过30年的谈判,克劳斯和上州是时候合并了. Guest opinion, Tom Quinn

人民币中央:Gennady Bratslavsky 在一篇关于崛起的故事中被引用 在最高法院Roe v. Wade decision.

Syracuse.com: Kyiv to Syracuse: How a web of connections by strangers brought Ukrainian cancer patient to Upstate.

Spectrum News: 受自杀影响的家庭旨在防止悲剧再次发生. S tory mentions Zach  Helfrich Memorial Fund to benefit Upstate's Psychiatry High Risk Program.

纽约时报记者:莎伦·布兰曼 is quoted in the story 老年人如何在热浪中保持安全?

新闻9频道:凯瑟琳·贝斯纳 was interviewed the story Upstate gives Syracuse students a 'jumpstart' in healthcare.

WAER: David Geloso and Eric Balotin 接受了关于新产品的采访 希望药房计划

NewsChannel 9: Wendy Hunt provides a 参观和深入了解北州的乳房x光检查车 一个病人的乳腺癌是通过扫描检测出来的.

NewsChannel 9: David Geloso and Eric Balotin 讨论新的希望药房 为一些地区居民提供免费药物的项目

Syracuse.com: Syracuse hospital to give free prescriptions to uninsured Onondaga County residents

UrbanCNY: 上州的新药房给没有保险和贫困的人带来了希望.

Forbes: Upstate's Accelerated Scholars Program was featured as one of Forbes top five direct medical school programs. Read here

Saravanan Thangamani is featured in this New York Times article headlined 蜱虫狩猎:猎物很小,诱饵是人.

Christopher Morley 在锡拉丘兹被引用过吗.Com关于出发的文章 奥内达加县卫生专员古普塔说.

Winter Berry and Jayne Charlamb 在锡拉丘兹被引用过吗.com article about the baby formula shortage.

CNY Business Journal: 上州立大学(Upstate University)将机器人应用于从餐饮到药品的方方面面.

WAER: 一队运输机器人抵达上州医科大学.

WRVO: 快递机器人现已在上州医科大学投入使用.

Syracuse.com: T 成千上万的人记住了卡罗尔·鲍德温的一生和她与乳腺癌的斗争.

CNYCentral: 卡罗尔·鲍德温去世,她是乳腺癌研究人员,也是几个著名儿子的母亲.

Patricia Numann 卡罗尔·鲍德温在接受频谱新闻采访时回忆道.

莱谢克·科图拉,诺曼贵族 remember 卡罗尔·鲍德温为您报道,这里是新闻9频道.

Saravanan Thangamani discussed on Katcast podcast his investigation into six ticks sent to his lab from the Catskills. Listen here: http://www.kaatscast.com/six-ticks-in-the-lyme-light/.

Jayne Charlamb 谈到婴儿配方奶粉短缺 New York Post and CNY Central.

Joe Domachowske was live on NewsChannel 9 谈论covid疫苗.

锡拉丘兹提到了上州.com article: CNY的卡罗尔·鲍德温慈善家和鲍德温家族的女族长去世,享年92岁.

Graham Gould 做客新闻9频道的节目 大桥街,讨论中风意识和中风症状为中风意识月

Nakeia Chambers 评论的作者在哪里 Syracuse.促进医学多样性也能改善健康结果."

Syd Johnson 其中有专家吗 Gizmodo.com's column 关于危险的新兴技术.

Chris Lucas and Robert Gregory are quoted in the Syracuse.com “一场危机让精神上的孩子独自一人."

Winter Berry 接受了《如何应对婴儿配方奶粉短缺》的采访 WRVO.

CNY Business Journal: 上州474名毕业生在毕业典礼上


NewsChannel 9: 上州医科大学毕业毕业生450多名.

In Good Health: 澳门银河平台蜱虫专家预测蜱虫的“巨大”季节.

新闻9频道的《澳门银河平台》: 在“捐赠生命月”期间器官捐赠的重要性(大卫·兰斯伯格)

CNY Business Journal:纽约州澳门银河平台医疗中心为护士提供GEO加薪

Syracuse.com: Upstate Medical gives nurses another pay raise in bid to fill hundreds of vacant jobs (Robert Corona)

CNY Central: 卫生专家建议减少对家庭新冠病毒检测的依赖, 扩大PCR检测的可用性(克里斯·莫利), Frank Middleton).

Wall Street Journal:新冠肺炎病例在纽约州澳门银河平台迅速增长(弗兰克·米德尔顿、斯蒂芬·托马斯).

Post-Register: 疫苗医疗豁免是罕见的. 成千上万的养老院工作人员都有这种病(Jana Shaw).

CNY Central: 健康专家呼吁戴口罩(克里斯托弗·莫利).

NewsChannel 9: 斯蒂芬·托马斯就新冠肺炎病例的上升接受了采访 s.

Syracuse.com: Two 'scary' diseases are increasingly found in the most common tick in Upstate NY (Saravanan Thangamani)


CNY Central


CNY Business Journal

NewsChannel 9


Daily Orange



CNYCentral: Upstate professor on Covid pill: 'Vaccination is the best way to stay out of hospital.' (Chris Morley)

Spectrum News: Upstate Medical program offers primary physicians training in mental health care (Nevena Radonjic)

WRVO: 口罩禁令结束后,春节期间病毒数量激增(Jana Shaw).

Syracuse.com: 终于,对人民币飙升的新冠肺炎发病率给出了部分答案(弗兰克·米德尔顿).

Syracuse.com: Far fewer died of Covid in March in Ononaga County, but troubling trends emerged (Stephen Thomas).

NewsChannel 9: 非凡人物介绍兰迪博士 Green .

NewsChannel 9: 上州癌症中心在上州社区医院开设了新设施.

Oswego County Today: 上州学生为花旗学生举办缝合诊所.

CNY Business Journal: 用近80万美元资助精神分裂症研究.

每日星报/科特兰标准报: Expert worries ticks could post major problem this year (Saravanan Thangamani).

WRVO/WSKG: 预计今年又是一个糟糕的蜱虫季节(Saravanan Thangamani).

Syracuse.com: How dominant is the latest omicron variant in Onondaga County (Frank Middleton).

阿迪朗达克每日快报: Tick, tick, tick: Experts worry tick problems could explode this year (Saravanan Thangamani).

Post-Journal: Doctor: 食用大麻对儿童有毒害危险(迈克尔霍奇曼).

KRFO RADIO: 2022年是明尼苏达州严重蜱虫之年(Saravanan Thangmani).

Syracuse.com: 国家正在密切监测中国新冠肺炎病例的激增(Frank Middleton).


Previous coverage

Syracuse.com: National suicide hotline gets new number; call center scrambles to prepare (Robert Gregory).

CNY Business Journal: 上州医学院的学生在每年的比赛日得到实习医生的任务.

Spectrum News: 比赛日:上州医学院的学生把他们的未来放在一个信封里

Syracuse.com: Covid-19 cases are spiking in Central New York like nowhere else in the state (Stephen Thomas).

NewsChannel 9: 斯蒂芬·托马斯回顾了两年的大流行

CNYCentral: CNY positivity rate three tmes higher than state average, leaders not concerned (Stephen Thomas).

WRVO: 纽约州立大学澳门银河平台的支持者集会要求更多的国家资助.

NewsChannel 9: 代表一些澳门银河平台工人的工会希望在州预算中提供资金

Bridge Street:  安东尼奥·库莱布拉斯谈到了世界睡眠日

Urology Times: Gennady Bratslavsky讨论了肾细胞癌的新研究

CNYCentral: Covid rates stable, seasonal illnesses returning following unmasking in schools (Jana Shaw)


Previous Coverage

Syracuse.com: 戴夫·安伯格谈领导力:做一个帮助团队成功的服务型领导者。 http://www.syracuse.com/news/2022/02/dave-amberg-on-leadership-be-the-servant-leader-who-helps-your-team-succeed.html

Syracuse.com: 北州研究人员的发现可能会彻底改变乳腺癌的诊断和治疗。Leszek Kotula).

Syracuse.com: 'It takes a team' Syracuse Crunch, Upstate Medical receive $100,000 grant to encourage vaccination.

Urban CNY: Upstate Golisano, Early Childhood Alliance partner for pediatric learning community (Steven Blatt)

NewsChannel 9: 儿科传染病专家在没有关于儿童疫苗功效的卫生部报告中称重 (Joseph Domachowske)

Syracuse.com: 人民币妇女的救命胰岛素每月花费500美元. “你有足够的钱吗??

News Channel 9: 在锡拉丘兹,舒默承诺限制胰岛素的成本:

CNYCentral: 舒默推动法案限制胰岛素成本

WRVO: 舒默推动立法限制糖尿病患者的胰岛素费用

Daily Orange: 查克·舒默呼吁降低胰岛素价格

Previous coverage

听上州总统曼托什·德万介绍纽约州州长. Hochul在她的新冠肺炎简报会上说. 25. 在纽约州展览中心举行.

NewsChannel 9: 上州立大学医院为无家可归、居家的高危人群提供疫苗 (Sunny Aslam).

NewsChannel 9: Jana Shaw appeared on Bridge Street this week to talk about the importance of Covid vaccines for children and how children with Covid are faring.

Rome Sentinel: 纽约州澳门银河平台毒物中心是一个里程碑.

Yahoo News: 专家们对埃隆·马斯克的大脑植入物敲响了警钟 (L. Syd Johnson)

NewsChannel 9: S 斯蒂芬·托马斯在接受新闻频道9采访时谈到了组粒变异和新冠病毒的里程碑.

Syracuse.com: Covid soars among CNY nursing home workers; many have not received booster shots (Sharon Brangman).

NewsChannel 9: Interview with Upstate’s Stephen Thomas, director of Upstate Global Health Institute

CNY Business Journal:  新的NDMS抵达澳门银河平台帮助急诊室

CNY Central: 新的联邦医疗灾难小组抵达纽约州澳门银河平台,原小组离开

Syracuse.com: Feds sending another disaster medical team to help short-staffed Syracuse hospital:

Medical News Today猪心脏移植拯救了心脏病患者 (L. Syd Johnson)

CNYCentral:锡拉丘兹因新冠肺炎住院的儿童人数非常高, 戈里萨诺医生说(乔·多玛乔斯基).

NewsChannel 9: 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 physician discusses Covid cases in children under 11 (Joe Domachowkse).

CNY Central: Syracuse health expert doesn't see CNY COVID-19 peaking anytime soon (Stephen Thomas)

WRVO: Federal team helping Syracuse hospital fight omicron surge (William Paolo)

WAER: Medical Workers Arrive In Syracuse To Assist 上州立大学医院 (Willian Paolo).

CNY Central: National Guard medical team makes progress lowering ER wait times at Upstate Hospital: (William Paolo).

Spectrum News:Help arrives at 上州立大学医院 in Syracuse: (William Paolo)

NewsChannel 9: National Medical Disaster Assistance Team assists Upstate in emergency department  (Wiliam Paolo).




NewsChannel 9: 康奈尔大学校园里新冠肺炎病例激增 (Christopher Morley).

CNY Business Journal: 威尔·巴克莱的观点:医院人员短缺对病人和提供者构成威胁.

WRVO/WSKG: 工会呼吁州政府更好地资助上州和其他教学医院.

NewsChannel 9: Dr. 来自纽约州立大学上州分校的Joseph Domachowske讨论了5至11岁儿童的COVID-19疫苗.

NewsChannel 9: Union says Upstate lost millions during the pandemic, begs state government to better fund it.

News10ABC (Albany): 在上州医科大学,每个新冠病毒阳性的实验室都检测了基因组.

NewsChannel 9NewsChannel 9 goes inside Upstate lab where every coronavirus postive is test for the omicron variant (Frank Middleton).

NewsChannel 9: Interview. Christopher Morley博士回答了有关COVID-19的问题.

New York Times: 随着新冠病例的激增,澳门银河平台医院不堪重负.

NewsChannel 9: Upstate的Jana Shaw博士讨论了大流行和组粒变异.

Watertown Daily Times: 由于护士短缺,纽约州澳门银河平台关闭了床位 (Robert Corona)

CNYCentral: Upstate's top doctor says it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get solid data on the omicron variant (Stephen Thomas).

WPRI.com: 奥运会,欧米茄,抵制 (Stephen Thomas) .

Syracuse.com: "I'm definitely thankful to be alive: New CNY mom nearly killed by Covid celebrates Thanksgiving.

Syracuse.com: An alarming spike in flu and Covid-19 cases in CNY worry experts as holidays near (克里斯托弗·莫利、斯蒂芬·托马斯).

CNY Central: Onondaga, Tompkins counties see stwart of flu season, cases linked to SU outbreak (Christopher Morley).

CNY Central: 为什么要接种COVID-19加强疫苗? 健康专家是这样说的 (伊丽莎白Asiago-Reddy).

NewsChannel 9: 格雷戈里·康纳斯和詹妮弗·拉普克出现在 Newsmakers program 来谈谈儿童心理健康危机.

CNY Central: 为什么中国没有像西方邻国那样出现新冠肺炎病例的增加? (Christopher Morley).

Syracuse.com: Nursing shortage forces Syracuse's biggest hosptial system to shut down 20 percent of patient beds. (Robert Corona).

WAER: 锡拉丘兹演讲-春节健康检查 . Christopher Morley joined other health leaders and experts on discussuon of health needs in the age of COVD.

Rome Sentinel: 新的癌症中心破土动工 (Thomas Vandermeer).

Spectrum News: Syracuse doctor in COVID 19 vaccine trial answers questions about its use for children. (Joseph Domachowkse)

Spectrum News: 儿童Covid-19疫苗抵达澳门银河平台 (Joseph Domachowske).

CNY Central: 'Nothing has changed' Syracuse hospitals and EMTs still in crisis mode ahead of winter

Syracuse.com: 奥内达加县将开始为5-11岁儿童接种COVID疫苗(史蒂文·布拉特).

NewsChannel 9: domanchwske博士正在讨论5至11岁儿童的疫苗接种.

Spectrum News: 针对儿童的COVID-19疫苗抵达澳门银河平台(Joseph Domachowske)).

NewsChannel 9: 认识和预防中风(格雷厄姆·古尔德)

Spectrum News: 上州大学医院发现助燃性烧伤病例增加. (Tamara Roberts).

NerwsChannel 9: Dr Domachowske explains the importance of getting children vaccinated from COVID-19 (Joseph Domachowske).

CNY Central: 从周一开始,纽约州澳门银河平台的新冠病毒检测地点将搬到费尔grounds

NewsChannel 9: COVID-19检测返回国家博览会.

Syracuse.com: 上州医疗中心将在州博览会上提供COVID-19检测

CNY Central: 孩子们在春节期间感染了新冠病毒,但不是在教室里(Jana Shaw).

CNY Business Journal: 北州医疗公司将于10月在维罗纳的癌症中心破土动工. 20

Newsweek: NY doctors ask people to stop using gasoline to stoke fires after spike in burns. (Tamara Roberts).

Syracuse.com: How nursing shortages have rocked Syracuse ERs: What we are desperate for are places to put people (William Paolo).

Syracuse.com: Syracuse hospital sees spike in patients burn after using gasoline to stoke fires (Tamara Roberts).

NewsChannel 9: 上州立大学医院 installs tent outside emergency department to test out extra space if needed.

Syracuse.com : Katko: Upstate doctors, developers of covid vaccines desrved Congressional Gold Medal

The Daily Orange: Professionals struggle to connect virutally as mental health declines nationally ( 安妮·里根,罗伯特·格雷戈里)

Forbes: An infectious disease doctor explains why some of his colleagues are quitting in the faces of vaccine mandates ( Stephen Thomas).

Syracuse.com: 锡拉丘兹最大的医院解雇了113名拒绝接种新冠疫苗的员工.

NewsChannel 9: 上州立大学医院 Global Health Director talks about boosters, vaccine passports and more ( Stephen Thomas).

Syracuse.com: 上州立大学医院关闭手术室,指责纽约州疫苗强制令导致员工短缺

CNYCentral: 儿科心理学家Golisano解释了为什么中国各地的学校里学生打架 (Anne Reagan)

NewsChannel 9: 纽约州澳门银河平台推迟了一些手术. 由于疫苗强制令,工人们失去了工作,乔的法案巩固了手术室.

NewsChannel 9: 健康星期三:小女孩为输液病人设计了静脉连帽衫

Past coverage 

CNYCentral.com SUNY Upstate police officers honored for protecting Syracuse pastor for July shooting.

Syracuse.com: Mediator to help resolve standoff between Upstate nurses union, state oover vaccine mandate.

WAER: How 春节孩子们帮助辉瑞公司开发了潜在的儿童COVID-19疫苗 (Joe Domachowske).

Syracuse.com: 卡特科:纽约州澳门银河平台的医生,COVID疫苗的开发者应该获得国会荣誉勋章

Auburn Citizen: Auburn nurse is first to get COVID-19 vaccine at CNY Clinic for people with allergies

Past coverage

Syracuse.com: Upstate doctor urges minority community to get vaccinated: It's a miracle of medicine' (Daryll Dykes).

CNY Central: 国家博览会医务室随时准备照顾各种受伤的病人 (Stan Goettel).

CNY Central: 美国澳门银河平台医生对FDA批准辉瑞疫苗的反应 (伊丽莎白·阿齐亚戈·雷迪).

NewsChannel 9: 上州的医生讨论了德尔塔变种的状况 (Katie Anderson).

Hudson Valley 360: 家长们再次要求学生们摘下口罩 (Jana Shaw).

CNY Business journal: Upstate Medical team awarded funding in SUNY Summer  School start up competition (Gennady bratslasvsky, Thomas Sanford).

CNY Business Journal: 澳门银河平台医疗机构拨款200万美元用于远程保健支助

CNY Business Journal: 上州纳皮健康研究所的建设“完成了一半”. 

SYRACUSE.COM: 我想带孩子们去参加州博览会? 以下是需要考虑的问题? (斯蒂芬·托马斯、吉娜·肖).

NEWSCHANNEL 9: Cancer patients can get some relief from scalp-cooling treatment (Ranjna Sharma.)

SYRACUSE.COM: Syracuse hospital sets up makeshift hotel for crash victims: "Never seen anything like this."(Robert Corona).

SPECTRUM NEWS: Upstate Medical officer details trauma team response to tour bus crash (William Paolo).

CNY CENTRAL: 旅游巴士撞车后,57名乘客被送往当地医院(威廉·保罗).

SYRACUSE.COM: Is it safe to go to the NY State Fair amid Delta Covid surge: Experts weigh in. (莎伦·布兰格曼、贾娜·肖).

CNY CENTRAL: State Fair starts Friday: Upstate's top infectious disease doctor won't be there: (Stephen Thomas).

CNY BUSINESS JOURNAL: 联邦基金资助上州医科大学的痴呆症研究人员 (Wei-Dong Yao).

CNYBJ: 澳门银河平台的Golisano儿童医院将两间治疗室改造成顶部的星光空间 (Toni Gary).

SYRACUSE.COM: 纽约州澳门银河平台医学院敦促学校强制要求戴口罩:“covid的成本不容低估”

WAER: 上州医院的儿科医生, public health experts call on CNY school district leaders to adopt universal masking policies (史蒂文·布拉特、克里斯托弗·莫利).

CNY CENTRAL: 纽约州澳门银河平台的顶级医生恳求学校要求学生戴口罩

WRVO: 澳门银河平台医院的医生和专家敦促学区要求学生戴口罩. (史蒂文·布拉特、克里斯托弗·莫利).

NEWSCHANNEL 9: 上州医科大学的医生建议在学校戴口罩

SPECTRUM NEWS: 全国各地的医生呼吁学校要求学生戴口罩 (凯瑟琳·安德森,史蒂夫·布拉特).

BRIDGE STREET: Stephen Thomas talks about the ongoing increase in COVID cases and what to do about staying safe

CNYBJ: CNY生物科技加速器遴选医疗器械创新挑战赛团队 (Kathi Durdon).

WAER: New SUNY Upstate program designed to help adolescents with complex health needs (Hutchings) http://www.waer.org/news/2021-07-29/new-suny-upstate-program-designed-to-help-adolescents-with-complex-health-needsw 

CNYBJ: Viewpoint: Innovation provides the path forward for recovery (Kathi Durdon): http://pdfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/live/pdf/20210730/2121194208153120911_19600.pdf

NBC News.com辉瑞公司表示,疫苗的功效会随着时间的推移而减弱. 你还受到保护吗?? ( Stephen Thomas).

Fingerlakes.com:纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医生对未接种疫苗的人表示担忧( Stephen Thomas).

CNY Central:澳门银河平台医生“非常担心”Delta变种病毒( Stephen Thomas).

Syracuse.com:锡拉丘兹上州立大学医院的工作人员必须接种COVID疫苗,否则就会发生其他事情. Or else what? ( Robert Corona).


NewsChannel 9州长要求州澳门银河平台医院直接与病人打交道的雇员接种疫苗.


Coping magazine: Upstate's pediatric oncology team was noted in Coping magazine's round-up coverage of Cancer Survivors Day.

Spectrum News: SUNY to expand pre medical opportunity program (Upstate Medical).


WAER: New federal bill by CNY Rep Katko could help prevention treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne disease (Saravanan Thangamani, Kris Paolino).

Auburn Citizen: Katko renews push for bill to support tick ID programs like the one at SUNY Upstate.

钯时代:Katko需要蜱虫监控(Mantosh Dewan)

WRVO: Katko pushing for federal funding to tracks and tick-born diseases (Saravanan Thangamani).

CNN:斯蒂芬·托马斯出现了 艾琳·伯内特在前面 and NEW DAY 在关于COVID变体和疫苗的讨论中.

NewsChannel 9: 上州立大学医院 open second outpatient pharmacy since 2018 (Eric Balotin).

Spectrum News: SUNY Upstate lab overwhelmed by growing demand to test ticks (Sarvanan Thangmani)


Medical News Today: Bias in medical research: Studies by women cited less often than those by men (L. Syd Johnson).

Auburn CItizen: Katko introduces legislation to increase pandemic research at academic medical centers like SUNY Upstate (Mantosh Dewan).

NewsChannel 9: 上州立大学医院 celebrates 10th anniversary of Community General Hospital addition (Robert Corona)


NewsChannel 9: Burn Center doctor discusses dangers of fireworks (Jessica Summers)

CNYCentral: CNY family continues 4-year-olds legacy to help sick children (Upstate Golisano, Frechette family).

Syracuse.com: Summer nights in Syracuse are getting hotter, and that could make people sicker (William Paolo).

新闻9频道:从儿科到流行病, Upstate Hospital's retiring chief nurse considers her career 'a gift' (Nancy Page).

Spectrum News: How lawmakers want to prepare for the next pandemic (Upstate Medical, John Katko).

Syracuse.com: Onondaga Health Department reports sox cases of rare disease in CNY spread through ticks (Upstate Medical)

Syracuse.我们又要开始戴口罩了吗? (Stephen Thomas)

Summer Safety: Which popular activities lead to more burn injuries (Tamara Roberts)? http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/from-pediatrics-to-a-pandemic-upstate-hospitals-retiring-chief-nurse-considers-her-career-a-gift/


健康星期三:大流行导致烧烤伤害激增. 如何防止烧伤(塔玛拉·罗伯茨).




Nurses at 上州立大学医院 get raises for their work throughout pandemic (Courtneybelle DesRoberts, Michael Casey).




Doctor investigating on Upstate Pfizer trial talks about recent developments (Joseph Domachowske).



纽约州立大学宣布护士加薪, 他们中的许多人在covid大流行期间超出了职责范围. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/06/upstate-medical-nurses-get-pay-raises-for-going-above-and-beyond-during-pandemic.html

CNYCentral: Nurses at 上州立大学医院 get raises for their work throughout pandemic





Daryll Dykes shares his experience of smoking menthol cigaretttes and being targeted by a "predatory marketing campaign that targeted Black peopel: http://www.syracuse.com/health/2021/06/top-syracuse-doc-says-he-and-other-blacks-targeted-by-menthol-cigarette-makers.html


Tamara Roberts 提供关于烧烤最可能受伤的见解以及如何避免它们: http://www.localsyr.com/wellness-wednesday/wellness-wednesday-pandemic-leads-to-spike-in-grilling-injuries-heres-how-you-can-prevent-those-burns/


Sharon Brangman weighs on the FDA's OK of a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease: http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/health/2021/06/08/drug-approved-to-treat-alzheimer-s-still-comes-with-questions

Syracuse hospital tests medical deliveries by drone; will it fly for real emergencies

Robert Corona is quoted about the ongoing testing with Nuair alliance and DroneUp of the opportunity to use drone to make fast medical deliveries across the region.http://www.syracuse.com/business/2021/06/syracuse-hospital-tests-medical-deliveries-by-drone-will-it-fly-for-real-emergencies.html

贝克尔医院评论 Interview with Dr Robert Corona, CEO, of 上州立大学医院

科罗娜讨论了过去几年医院战略的变化, 尤其是在新冠疫情不断变化的情况下, 未来的优先事项 : http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/podcasts/podcasts-beckers-hospital-review/robert-corona-ceo-at-suny-upstate-university-medical-university-78010601.html





Wellness Wednesday: Cancer survivor shares what got her through while Upstate Cancer Center celebrates survivors

June 2021 In Good Health features several articles with Upstate pediatrician Steven Blatt, MD

‘Don’t Fry Day’ puts sunscreen on your radar while Upstate Cancer Center puts dispensers in various parks around Syracuse and zoo http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/dont-fry-day-puts-sunscreen-on-your-radar-while-upstate-cancer-center-puts-dispensers-at-various-parks-around-syracuse-and-zoo/

上州医科大学院长珍惜教养:亚裔美国人坚强 http://www.localsyr.com/community/asian-americans-standing-strong/dean-at-upstate-medical-university-cherishes-upbringing-asian-americans-standing-strong/

与莱姆病一起生活:深入了解莱姆病之外的其他致命感染 http://www.localsyr.com/living-with-lyme/living-with-lyme-a-deeper-look-beyond-lyme-and-into-other-deadly-infections-tick-carry/

Mask restrictions are lifting for vaccinated; where does that leave kids? http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2021/05/24/mask-restrictions-are-lifting-for-vaccinated--where-does-that-leave-kids-

Pediatric infectious disease specialist at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital talks about vaccinating youngsters http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/pediatric-disease-specialist-golisano-childrens-hospital-talks-about-vaccinating-youngsters/



Syracuse mom and three kids enroll in Covid-19 vaccine trials: ‘Important for the greater good’

Upstate doctor leading Pfizer vaccine trial says booster shot ‘reasonable expectation’

Kids could be at higher risk of Covid-19 with loosened mask mandates, physician says

Chancellor Malatras announces the inaugural class of the Pre-Med Opportunity Program


Video gaming for a cause: Local gamer raises money for Griffan’s Guardians with live streams on Twitch



How the 2 nd 印度的新冠肺炎疫情正在影响这些SU学生和他们的亲人

Living with Lyme: Lyme disease study at Upstate could lead to faster diagnosis, participants needed


This infectious diseases expert explains why he’s vaccinating his kids against covid

Mobile Covid19 vaccination clinic at Upstate bringing vaccines to people experiencing homelessness in Syracuse


Dr. Thomas谈到了CDC批准12-15岁儿童接种疫苗的决定

上州医科大学 will pay participants to get small dengue fever injection




New Upstate Golisano Center for Special Needs diagnosis autism faster for CNY families http://cnycentral.com/news/local/new-center-diagnoses-autism-faster-for-cny-families-at-upstate-golisano-childrens-hospital

Syracuse hospital speeds up care for kids with autism who used to wait 2 years http://www.syracuse.com/health/2021/04/syracuse-hospital-speeds-up-care-for-autistic-kids-who-used-to-have-to-wait-2-years.html

纽约州澳门银河平台开设新中心,为有特殊需要的儿童提供服务 http://www.wrvo.org/post/upstate-opens-new-center-serve-children-special-needs#stream/0

格里萨诺特殊需求中心在纽约州澳门银河平台开业 http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/golisano-center-for-special-needs-open-at-upstate-medical-university/

北州寻求阿尔茨海默病患者的破坏性行为参与药物研究 http://www.syracuse.com/health/2021/04/upstate-seeks-alzheimers-patients-with-disruptive-behavior-to-participate-in-drug-study.html

Upstate寻找阿尔茨海默病患者进行临床试验 http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/upstate-seeking-alzheimers-patients-for-clinical-trial/

如果群体免疫是你战胜新冠病毒的计划,你需要一个B计划 http://www.forbes.com/sites/coronavirusfrontlines/2021/04/23/if-herd-immunity-is-your-plan-to-beat-covid-you-need-a-plan-b/?sh=1c443fa74c1a

Dr. 托马斯给出了如何在口罩规定改变后保持安全的见解 http://www.localsyr.com/interviews/dr-thomas-gives-insight-on-how-to-stay-safe-after-mask-mandates-change/

Upstate doctor weighs in on when Covid vaccines could be approved for younger children http://www.localsyr.com/health/coronavirus/upstate-doctor-weighs-in-on-when-covid-vaccines-could-be-approved-for-younger-children/

一名澳门银河平台医生克服了自己对疫苗的犹豫, 现在帮助消除黑人社区的错误信息 http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/upstate-doctor-overcame-her-own-vaccine-hesitancy-now-helps-clear-up-misinformation-in-black-communities/

一名澳门银河平台医生克服了自己对疫苗的犹豫, 现在帮助消除黑人社区的错误信息 http://pix11.com/news/ny-doctor-overcame-her-own-vaccine-hesitancy-now-helps-clear-up-misinformation-in-black-communities/

即使在纽约中部地区,对Covid-19的群体免疫也是一个崇高的目标 http://cnycentral.com/station/herd-immunity-from-covid-19-a-lofty-goal-even-locally-in-central-new-york

Months after Covid-19, CNY ‘long-haulers’ suffer fatigue, breathing problems, loss of smell http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/04/months-after-covid-19-cny-long-haulers-suffer-fatigue-breathing-problems-loss-of-smell.html

纽约州立大学新冠病毒检测超过200万例 http://www.rochesterfirst.com/coronavirus/suny超过- 200万covid tests/——19

纽约州立大学新冠病毒检测超过200万例 conducted for students, faculty and staff http://oswegocountytoday.com/news/suny-surpasses-2-million-covid-19-tests-conducted-for-students-faculty-staff/

Chancellor Malatras announces SUNY surpasses two million Covid-19 tests conducted for students, 自2020年秋季学期开始的教职员工 http://www.suny.edu/suny-news/press-releases/4-21/4-19-21/2-million-covid-tests.html


The 2021 Upstate Power 100: The movers and shakers who have upstate New York on the upswing

Katko, 上州医科大学 holding telephone town hall on Covid-19 vaccines

SUNY Upstate experts on Katko tele-town hall: Covid-19 vaccines effective, safe

Dr. 托马斯谈到暂停使用J&J Covid vaccine



I got my life back: Syracuse’s innovative way of battling suicide makes a difference

Upstate’s innovative way of battling suicide makes a difference: I got my life back
http://www.syracuse.com/health/2021/04/i-got-my-life-back-syracuses-innovative-way-of-battling-suicide-makes-a-difference.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign = GoodMorning % 20元4-8-21&utm_term = Newsletter_good_morning_cny


She’s my lifesaver. 青少年在照顾6个月大的孩子时苏醒过来



Jordan Elbridge senior’s community service project honors the memory of a classmate

Upstate One Of First Sites In World To Test Pfizer Covid Vaccine In Kids Under 5  http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/04/upstate-one-of-first-sites-in-world-to-test-pfizer-covid-vaccine-in-kids-under-5.html

上州立大学医院 Continues Covid Vaccine Trials On Children, Looking For Participants http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/upstate-university-hospital-continues-covid-vaccine-trials-on-children/

Upstate Seeks Parents of Children 6 Months To 11 Years Old For Pfizer Vaccine Study http://cnycentral.com/news/coronavirus/upstate-seeks-parents-of-children-6-months-to-11-years-old-for-pfizer-vaccine-study

辉瑞疫苗研究中涉及儿童的医生 http://www.localsyr.com/interviews/doctors-at-upstate-key-in-pfizer-vaccine-study-involving-children/

辉瑞疫苗在澳门银河平台医院的75名儿童试验中100%有效 http://cnycentral.com/news/coronavirus/pfizer疫苗- 100有效-在-试验- - 75元-孩子们参加

当地专家对辉瑞疫苗对儿童的有效性并不感到惊讶 http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/coronavirus/2021/04/01/local-expert--not-surprised--by-pfizer-vaccine-s-efficiency-with-children

上州立大学医院将乳腺癌筛查带到纽约各地 http://www.localsyr.com/bridge-street/upstate-university-hospital-brings-breast-cancer-screenings-to-locations-across-new-york/

Wellness Wednesday: RAPID Software At 上州医科大学 Speeds Up Time, Saves Lives http://www.localsyr.com/wellness-Wednesday/wellness-Wednesday-rapid-software-at-upstate-medical-university-speeds-up-time-save-lives/

上州医科大学的RAPID软件加快了时间,拯救了生命  http://www.localsyr.com/wellness-Wednesday/wellness-Wednesday-rapid-software-at-upstate-medical-university-speeds-up-time-save-lives/

在上州格里萨诺儿童医院见见无名英雄, 在流行病中为病人做不可能的事  http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/meet-the-unsung-heroes-at-Golisano-children's-hospital-doing-the-impossible-for-patients-in-a-pandemic/

辉瑞疫苗试验的幕后  http://podcast.应用程序/ stephen-thomas-behind-the-scenes-in-the-pfizer-vaccine-trial-e130517775 /?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=share

公共卫生公平倡导者Faiz Kidwai谈论心理健康和Covid  http://wfhb.org/news/public-health-equity-advocate-faiz-kidwai/

上州医科大学 Med Students Still Party, But Not As Hearty, On Match Day  http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/03/upstate-medical-university-med-students-still-party-but-not-as-hearty-on-match-day.html

上州医科大学的比赛日  http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/match-day-at-upstate-medical-university/

纽约医学院申请人数激增  http://wskg.org/news/new-yorks-medical-schools-see-spike-in-applications/

澳门银河平台睡眠专家提供夜间更好休息的建议  http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2021/03/18/daylight-savings-provides-opportunity-to-revamp-sleep-schedule

Dr. 托马斯谈论疫苗,春假旅行  http://www.localsyr.com/interviews/dr-thomas-talks-vaccines-spring-break-travel/

影响:流行病中的生活  http://www.localsyr.com/impact-life-in-a-pandemic/impact-life-in-a-pandemic/


Vector Biocontainment Laboratory Opens at 上州医科大学 (Photographs)

Syracuse Gets $7.600万实验室研究致命感染,阻止下一次大流行


纽约州立大学澳门银河平台医科大学 Opens New Lab To Study And Monitor Infectious Diseases

Upstate’s Dr. 美国疾病控制与预防中心推荐J&J孕妇疫苗

Covid-19疫苗:现代vs. Pfizer vs. J&J—Key Things To Know

U.S. 在与时间的赛跑中急于扩大Covid疫苗的资格

As U.S. 总体来看令人鼓舞的消息,东澳门银河平台看起来像一个异类

Sharon Brangman was featured in a Spectrum News segment on her work to reduce Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in Black communities. http://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2021/02/26/local-doctor-works-to-narrow-health-disparities-for-the-marginalized

Sharon Brangman and Daryll Dykes 参加了关于Covid-19疫苗神话和不信任的市政厅会议. http://cnycentral.com/news/local/covid-19-town-hall-aims-to-stop-myths-and-misconceptions-about-vaccine

Jana Shaw and Stephen Thomas 出现在锡拉丘兹.让孩子们安全回到学校的故事. http://www.syracuse.com/schools/2021/03/cnys-top-coronavirus-doctors-kids-need-to-get-back-to-school.html

Stephen Thomas 在福布斯中概述了接种Covid疫苗的注意事项. http://www.forbes.com/sites/coronavirusfrontlines/2021/02/26/the-dos-and-don'ts-of-getting-your-covid-19-vaccine/?sh=7ddb4f62691d

Stephen Thomas 与WGN谈论东京奥运会. http://wgnradio.com/sports/this-month-marks-a-year-since-the-Olympics-were-postponed-whats-next/

Stephen Thomas 与WGN News Nation讨论了新型J+J Covid-19疫苗. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr9jVIH6r8Q

Stephen Thomas 在锡拉丘兹被引用过吗.关于J+J新型Covid-19疫苗的故事,现已在锡拉丘兹上市. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/03/thousands-of-slots-open-for-one-shot-covid-vaccine-at-nys-fairgrounds-how-to-grab-one.html

Tiger Woods Crash. Daryll Dykes, MD, JD, contributed to CNN coverage of Tiger Woods and injuries he sustained in a car crash. http://video.snapstream.net/Play/2rwEnT9FWsGVyIILV22CNp?accessToken = 2 e3ls9dy3suy

孩子们正在使用洗手液:如何保证他们的安全. William Eggleston, PharmD, 纽约州澳门银河平台中毒中心, discussed the dangers of kids consuming hand sanitizer with The New York Times.  http://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/25/well/family/sanitizer-kids-safety.html

2021年美国最佳大型雇主 . 上州医科大学在福布斯美国最佳大型雇主名单中排名第35位. http://www.forbes.com/best-large-employers/#797dd303fb3e

我是怎么感染Covid-19进医院的. 上州社区医院 praised in CNY Central reporter’s story on her covid hospitalization. http://cnycentral.com/news/the-new-new-york/how-i-ended-up-in-the-hospital-with-covid-19

Thousands in CNY Get Second Covid Vaccine: Sore Arms, Fevers and ‘A Huge Relief’. 注册护士梅根·刘易斯和伊丽莎白·罗杰斯与锡拉丘兹大学进行了交谈.com获取有关Covid-19疫苗益处的报道. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/02/thousands-in-cny-get-second-covid-vaccine-sore-arms-fevers-and-a-huge-relief.html

为什么孩子们需要自己的Covid-19疫苗试验. Joseph Domachowske医学博士接受了《澳门银河平台》杂志的采访,谈到了针对儿童的新冠肺炎临床试验. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/why-kids-need-their-own-covid-19-vaccine-trials

SUNY Upstate Medical to Construct Covid-19 Testing Lab at University of Buffalo. President Mantosh Dewan and SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras were featured in a story on a new Upstate lab at University at Buffalo. http://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/top-stories/suny-upstate-medical-university-to-construct-covid-19-testing-lab-at-university-of-buffalo/

痴呆症是如何把人锁在痛苦里的. Sharon Brangman, MD, is featured in The Atlantic in a story outlining the complexity of caring for those who cannot communicate how they are feeling, suffering. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/02/alzheimers-dementia-pain-memory/617994//

2020年奥内达加县居民的死亡人数超过了至少50年来的人数. 凯瑟琳·安德森,医学博士,在锡拉丘兹.Com关于2020年死亡的报道. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/02/more-onondaga-county-residents-died-in-2020-than-in-at-least-50-years-it-wasnt-all-covid.html

一针Covid-19疫苗能提供足够的保护吗? 医学博士斯蒂芬·托马斯(Stephen Thomas)与新闻频道9谈论了Covid疫苗. http://www.localsyr.com/health/coronavirus/does-one-shot-of-the-covid-19-vaccine-offer-enough-protection/

As Millions Get their Covid Shots, Here’s What We Still Don’t Know About the Vaccines. 医学博士斯蒂芬·托马斯在锡拉丘兹大学被引用.关于covid疫苗的故事. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/02/as-millions-get-their-covid-shots-heres-what-we-still-dont-know-about-the-vaccines.html

纽约中部通往Covid-19群体免疫之路. 医学博士Stephen Thomas接受了CNY Central关于群体免疫的采访. http://cnycentral.com/news/the-new-new-york/central-new-yorks-road-to-covid-19-herd-immunity

Oswego County schools use emergency days after staff feel side effects from Covid-19 vaccine. WRVO在一篇关于Covid疫苗正常副作用的报道中引用了医学博士斯蒂芬·托马斯的话. http://www.wrvo.org/post/oswego-county-schools-use-emergency-days-after-staff-feel-side-effects-covid-19-vaccine#stream/0

在大流行期间,年仅4岁的儿童就需要心理健康治疗. Jennifer Rapke, PsyD, and Christopher Lucas, MD, 出现在春节中央关于心理健康和儿童的特别节目中. http://cnycentral.com/news/local/during-pandemic-kids-as-young-as-4-have-needed-mental-health-treatment

学校的苦难:儿童的Covid危机,NBC3特别新闻节目. http://cnycentral.com/news/local/school-suffering-the-covid-crisis-in-children

唱诗班唱歌可以改善老年人的认知功能. Sharon Brangman, MD, talked with Healio News and offered her perspective on how singing and other activities help to stimulate our brains and maintain verbal flexibility. http://www.healio.com/news/primary-care/20210217/choir-singing-may-improve-cognitive-function-in-older-adults

与酒精滥用有关的肝病患者显著增加. Zachary Shepherd, MD, 与CNY Central对话, about an increase in liver disease due to alcohol abuse during the Covid pandemic. http://cnycentral.com/news/local/cny-doctor-sees-significant-increase-in-liver-disease-patients-related-to-alcohol-abuse

纽约州立大学的新项目将帮助低收入家庭的学生上医学院. Femi Olu-Talabi, 上州医科学生, 与CNY Central对话 about a new statewide SUNY initiative designed to help economically disadvantaged students pursue medical education. http://cnycentral.com/news/local/new-suny-program-will-help-low-income-students-attend-medical-school

纽约州立大学扩大对弱势本科生的支持,包括医学院 . Nakeia Chambers spoke with News Channel 9 for a story on SUNY’s new medical education pipeline program. http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/suny-expanding-support-for-disadvantaged-undergraduate-students-to-include-medical-school/

纽约州澳门银河平台中毒中心 Sees an Increase in Hand Sanitizer, Bleach Calls Due to Covid-19. Michele Caliva spoke with News Channel 9 on the top poison calls received by 纽约州澳门银河平台中毒中心. http://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/upstate-ny-poison-center-sees-an-increase-in-hand-sanitizer-bleach-calls-due-to-covid-19/

Upstate Medical Building Second Lab in Buffalo to Process More Covid-19 Saliva Tests. 弗兰克·米德尔顿博士在锡拉丘兹大学被提及.关于布法罗大学一个新的澳门银河平台测试实验室的故事. http://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2021/02/upstate-medical-building-second-lab-in-buffalo-to-process-more-covid-19-saliva-tests.html

纽约州立大学校园已经进行了100万次Covid-19测试. Chancellor Malatras was featured in a News Channel 9 segment on SUNY campuses hitting the 1 million mark for covid tests administered. http://www.localsyr.com/health/coronavirus/suny-campuses-have-administered-1-million-covid-19-tests/

Sharon Brangman 在《澳门银河平台》2月11日的一篇文章中被引用. 11 story on 阿尔茨海默氏症患者不能准确地表达他们正在经历的事情 (Feb. 11)

Randy Green 接受了2月11日中央电视台的采访. 8 story about a 索尔维女人差点被吓死,主动脉夹层 (Feb. 8)

Amy Tucker and Robert Corona 的最新版本 CNY C-Suite Magazine (Feb. 9)

  Daryll Dykes was interviewed for a Syracuse.com article on Syracuse town hall was interviewed for a Syracuse town  hall seeking to allay mistrust that makes some Blacks leery for covid vaccine (Jan. 28).

纽约州澳门银河平台医疗中心将在布法罗大学建立covid-19检测实验室 CNYBJ.com (Feb. 2.)

纽约州立大学澳门银河平台使用无人机在校园内运输COVID测试试剂盒 ( Robert Corona) (WRVO Feb. 4).

上州立大学医院的顶级护士认证 ( Mantosh Dewan) (Jan. 21, 2021).

纽约州澳门银河平台于1月11日举行了新闻发布会. 6 announcing it has begun using its second round of COVID-19 vaccine for frontline health personnel. 活动中,李博士发表了讲话 曼托什·德万,罗伯特·科罗娜博士 and 纽约州立大学校长马拉特拉斯 was covered by NewsChannel 9,  WRVO,频谱新闻,中央电视台, CNY Business Journal.

Housekeeper Kenzo Mukendi was interviewed by CNY Central on the occasion of receiving his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Jan. 5.

纽约州澳门银河平台的COVID-19唾液拭子测试 was noted in the Albany Times Union Jan. 7 标题是奥尔巴尼机场官员吹捧新冠病毒检测.

